Forever in my Heart

Forever in my Heart

Monday, June 27, 2016

Keeping current with trends in Public Safety

How do you keep up with new technology or current trends in Public Safety? I subscribe to multiple magazines and newsletters. As part of my membership to NENA (National Emergency Number Association) and APCO (Associated Public Safety Communications Officials, Inc.) I receive emailed news. APCO sends out a monthly magazine to it's members. For news about Telecommunicator Emergency Response Teams (TERT), I go to NJTI-Tert.

I also receive some specific journals: Police Magazine and The International Game Warden. These keep me up to date on general law enforcement news. GWI is specific to wildlife enforcement. Firehouse is a good source for fire-related news. JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services) serves as a reliable place for ems information.

I check out a number of web sites for news. One I like is 911 magazine online. In their early years, 911 was a print journal but made the switch to an online news format. I also like FireRescue1, Police1, and EMS1 web sites. The above mentioned magazines also have web pages.

Many States and agencies are requiring dispatch personnel to complete continuing education units (CEUs). APCO offers CEUs. Another place to earn training credit is through FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Authority). If you are willing to pay a small fee, 911CEU has a nice variety of programs directed towards dispatchers. Your State Department of Transportation may offer classes (I just completed a Traffic Incident Management Safety - TIMS - course through the feds all free and on-line). AMTRAK will provide a free, in-house training for personnel.

We are never too old to stop learning. Take a class and widen your horizons today!

Stay safe out there!

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