Forever in my Heart

Forever in my Heart

Monday, June 27, 2016

Update on Book Three of Greycliff's Chronicles

I'm almost done with writing and editing. Cross my fingers, but I hope to have it out in July. This is the cover I am considering for use. Still not completely sold on it, though. Any opinions? It is supposed to be a picture of Gaelynn and Ranulf (not a custom picture).

Keeping current with trends in Public Safety

How do you keep up with new technology or current trends in Public Safety? I subscribe to multiple magazines and newsletters. As part of my membership to NENA (National Emergency Number Association) and APCO (Associated Public Safety Communications Officials, Inc.) I receive emailed news. APCO sends out a monthly magazine to it's members. For news about Telecommunicator Emergency Response Teams (TERT), I go to NJTI-Tert.