day of the Bear Moon, 1194
sat in the great hall with Sir Bryan of Foxwarre and Sir Gaston of Zulchai.
Edward was the cousin of the late Earl Braeden du Faucione. Braeden’s ten year
old son, Phillip was now Earl but due to his age, the lands were administered
by Braeden’s half-brother Sir Kevin. After years of acting as Marshal for the
Faucione family, Edward was granted lands as a reward and added to his property
by purchasing surrounding acreage. Thanks to a little nudge from Queen Gaelynn,
the former wife of Braeden, the romance between Edward and Sophie flourished.
That Sophie was Gaelynn’s First Lady-in-Waiting and dear friend probably
helped. The two women kept in touch with weekly letters. Gaelynn was
influential with sending knights looking for service to Edward.